Who we are

Our website address is: https://salarydeduction.co.uk (salarydeduction.co.uk). Salarydeduction.co.uk is owned and operated by London Mutual Credit Union Limited, and provided as a resource for employers on behalf of the UK credit union sector.

User data

No personally-identifiable information is collected on this website. Information submitted via the ‘Find My Credit Union’ form is passed directly to the ‘findyourcreditunion.co.uk’ service, a seperate website provided by the Association of British Credit Unions Limited (ABCUL).


This website uses Google Analytics software to measure visitors and user activity, including user device and technology while on this website, and to understand the sources of website traffic. This information is used to improve the information on this website, and to generate insights which may be used by London Mutual Credit Union and its partners to promote the salary deduction services provided by credit unions. No personally-identifiable information is collected.

Digital Advertising

London Mutual Credit Union works with providers including Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Ads to collect anonymous data about visitors to this website, for the purposes of displaying digital search and display advertising which may be relevant to them (remarketing). Use of this information is governed by the advertiser’s own privacy and advertising policies.

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